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Scent Diffuser

Entering the world of creativity and prototyping. The project brief on the connection between Youth and Senses.

Key Learning points:

  • ​Conducting research to develop an understanding on the persona

  • Combining research and observing issues faced by persona group

  • Ideation process of sketches for ideas

  • Prototyping and coming up with mock ups before the actual product is created

  • User testing and feedback leading to the final product

Ideation Sketch 1

concept 1.jpg

Ideation Sketch 2

concept 2.jpg

Ideation Sketch 3

Concept 3.jpg

Ideation Sketch 4

concept 4.jpg

Ideation Sketch 5

Concept 5.jpg

Ideation Sketch 6

concept 6.jpg

Ideation Sketch 7

Concept 7.jpg

Ideation Sketch 8

Concept 8.jpg

Design Refinement of sketch 8 - Selected concept

Design Refinement.jpg

Iteration Process - Based on user testing and feedback

Iteration table.jpg

Orthographic Drawing of product - Sketch 8

SP2_Interim 2_Orthographic drawing.jpeg

Latest Orthographic Drawings of product after feedback 

Orthographic drawing.jpg

Latest prototype shot 1


Latest prototype shot 2


CAD rendering of final prototype


Product in context shot

Contextual Image 2 (2).jpg
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